BPeG (Boston Percussion Group)

Boston Percussion Group (BPeG) self-identifies as a contemporary ensemble/rock band, whose dynamic performances challenge the definition of classical music through repertoire ranging from Steve Reich to Frank Zappa.
Adapting music not written for percussion instruments is a signature of BPeG’s summer performance series, as it allows casual listeners to connect with percussion instruments through familiar tunes.
BPeG is comprised of six Conservatory percussion/marimba alumni: Jeremy Barnett (M.M. ’11), Brian Calhoon (M.M. ’09), Jonathan Hess (M.M. ’11), Dane Palmer (M.M. ’13), Matt Sharrock (M.M. ’11, G.P.D. ’13) and Greg Simonds (G.P.D. ’10).
As recipients of the Boston Conservatory Alumni Entrepreneurial Grant Program, BPeG presented a five-school musical education tour in 2015 to public schools in Greater Boston, in addition to their standard performance season. These 50-minute public school presentations were part music concert and part exploration, teaching students how to listen, how to identify different elements of music and about various percussion instruments.
“By teaching students about musical concepts and demonstrating what can be achieved by studying an instrument, we hope to inspire future musicians and music lovers,” says Executive Director Brian Calhoon. “BPeG will provide much-needed engagement with the arts.”
Boston Conservatory at Berklee's entrepreneurial grant will enable BPeG to provide enriching experiences for students at no cost to the participating school. The ensemble will also use the grant money to create promotional videos and build connections with public schools, helping them to pursue educational programming as a business venture.
For more information about BPeG, please visit: bostonpercussiongroup.com