Soprano Christine Goerke has appeared in the major opera houses of the world, including the Metropolitan Opera, Royal Opera House Covent Garden, Paris Opera, Deutsche Oper Berlin, La Scala, Teatro Real in Madrid, Teatro Municipal de Santiago, and the Saito Kinen Festival Matsumoto.
She has sung much of the great soprano repertoire, starting with Mozart and Handel heroines and now earning critical acclaim for dramatic Strauss and Wagner roles. She has received praise for her portrayals of the title roles in Elektra, Turandot, and Ariadneauf Naxos; Brünnhilde in the Ring Cycle; Kundry in Parsifal; Ortrud in Lohengrin; Leonora in Fidelio; Eboli in Don Carlos; The Dyer’s Wife in Die Frau ohne Schatten; Cassandre in Les Troyens; Ellen Orford in Peter Grimes; Female Chorus in The Rape of Lucretia; Alice in Falstaff; and Madame Lidoine in Dialogues des Carmélites, among others.
This season, Goerke returns to the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic, and Washington National Opera, and also performs with Hamburg State Opera, New World Symphony, and Minnesota Orchestra. She recently joined Boston
Lyric Opera’s Board of Directors, having previously served as associate artistic director at the Detroit Opera.
Christine Goerke is presented as part of Boston Conservatory at Berklee’s Opera Innovators Series in partnership with the Boston Lyric Opera.
Program Information Repertoire
JULES MASSENET: “Je suis encor” from Manon
Molly McDonough, soprano*
PIETRO MASCAGNI: “Voi lo sapete” from Cavalleria Rusticana
Michelle Trainor, mezzo-soprano^
ERICH WOLFGANG KORNGOLD: “Mein Sehnen, Mein Wähnen" from Die Tote Stadt
Jason Edelstein, baritone*
GAETANO DONIZETTI: “Quel guardo il cavaliere” from Don Pasquale
Laura Santamaria, soprano*
PYOTR ILYICH TCHAIKOVSKY: “Da, chas nastal” from Maid of Orleans
Alexis Peart, mezzo-soprano^
GAETANO DONIZETTI: “Una furtiva lagrima” from L’elisir d’amore
Alternate: Robert Kleinertz, tenor*
* Boston Conservatory student
^ Boston Lyric Opera Steven and Jane Akin Emerging Artist
We are thrilled to welcome you to this season’s Opera Innovators Series, a unique collaboration between Boston Conservatory at Berklee and Boston Lyric Opera (BLO). This partnership, which began in the fall of 2022, embodies our commitment to pushing the boundaries of opera and providing unparalleled opportunities for the next generation of vocal artists. By bringing together Boston Conservatory’s rich legacy of innovation in education and BLO’s artistic excellence and forward-thinking approach to opera, we are crafting a space where young artists can learn, grow, and thrive in an evolving art form.This season’s series features an extraordinary lineup of artists whose voices and vision are reshaping the world of opera. Their participation is not just about showcasing talent—it’s about sparking dialogue, challenging norms, and inspiring all of us to think differently about the art we love. Lawrence Brownlee is celebrated not only as one of the world’s leading tenors but also as a dedicated advocate for new music and diverse storytelling in opera. His artistry brings light to underrepresented voices and redefines what’s possible on stage, reminding us that opera can speak powerfully to our times. His residency is made possible through his engagement as the title role in Mitridate this season at BLO. Morris Robinson stands as a towering figure in opera, known for his deeply resonant bass and commanding presence. Beyond his stunning performances, Robinson’s work in community engagement and mentorship exemplifies how artists can use their craft to connect and uplift others, making his involvement in this series particularly meaningful. His residency is made possible through his engagement as Ramfis in Aida this season at BLO.Wendy Bryn Harmer, an alum of Boston Conservatory, embodies the spirit of our community. Her career has been marked by fearless performances in some of the world’s most demanding roles, and her return to our series as a mentor and performer is a testament to the lasting impact of our training and the power of perseverance in the arts. Christine Goerke is known for her commanding stage presence and her ability to seamlessly blend lyricism with dramatic intensity. She has captivated audiences worldwide with her extraordinary interpretations of demanding roles in the Wagnerian and Verdi repertoires. A true force in the opera world, Goerke’s voice is a rare combination of rich timbre, resilience, and expressive power, making her one of the most sought-after sopranos of her generation. Jamie Barton is a force of nature whose voice and advocacy resonate far beyond the stage. Known for her rich mezzo-soprano and commitment to social causes, Barton brings authenticity and heart to her performances that inspire both audiences and young artists alike. Her role in our series highlights the profound ways in which music can champion change. Her residency is made possible through her engagement as Nettie Fowler in Carousel this season at BLO.Through the Opera Innovators Series, our partnership with BLO creates a dynamic platform for young artists to learn from these incredible performers and thought leaders. Together, we are nurturing a new generation of singers who are not only exceptional artists but also engaged citizens and innovators. Thank you for joining us this season. Your support makes these opportunities possible, and we hope that each event leaves you feeling inspired and connected to the vibrant future of opera. We look forward to welcoming you back often. Warm regards, Isai Jess Muñoz Interim Dean of Music, Boston Conservatory at Berklee Co-Artistic Director, Opera Innovators Series Nina Yoshida Nelson Artistic Director, Boston Lyric Opera Co-Artistic Director, Opera Innovators Series Texts and Translations
JULES MASSENET: “Je suis encor” from Manon Text by Philippe Gille and Henri MeilhacJe suis encor tout étourdie,I
'm still completely dizzy,je suis encor tout engourdie!I feel numb all over!Ah! mon cousin ! Excusez-moi!Cousin, forgive me!Excusez un moment d'émoi!Excuse an emotional moment!Je suis encor tout étourdie!I'm still totally dizzy!Pardonnez à mon bavardage,Please forgive my chattering,j'en suis à mon premier voyage!this is the first trip I've ever taken!Le coche s'éloignait à peine,The coach had scarcely started to moveque j'admirais de tous mes yeux,when I opened my eyes wide, watchingles hameaux, les grands bois, la plaine,the little villages, the forest, the plain,les voyageurs jeunes et vieux.the passengers, both young and old.Ah! mon cousin, excusez-moi,Cousin, forgive me,c'est mon premier voyage!it's the first time I've travelled!Je regardais fuir, curieuse,Attentively, I saw the trees rush by,les arbres frissonnant au vent!trembling in the wind.Et j'oubliais toute joyeuse,And overwhelmed with delightque je partais pour le couvent!I was forgetting that I was leaving for the convent!Devant tant de choses nouvelles,Faced with so many new things,ne riez pas, si je vous disdon't laugh when I tell youque je croyais avoir des ailesthat I thought I had wingset m'envoler en paradis!and was flying to paradise!Oui, mon cousin!Yes, cousin!Puis, j'eus un moment de tristesse,Then, I felt a moment of sadness,je pleurais, je ne sais pourquoi.I cried, I don't know what about.L'instant d'après, je le confesse,Then the very next minute, I confessje riais, ah, ah, ah, I was laughing, ha, ha, ha, Je riais, mais sans savoir pourquoi!I was laughing, but without knowing why!Ah, mon cousin, excusez-moi,Cousin, excuse me,ah, mon cousin, pardon!cousin, forgive me!PIETRO MASCAGNI: “Voi lo sapete” from Cavalleria RusticanaText by Guido Menasci and Giovanni Targioni-TozzettiVoi lo sapete, o mamma,O mother, you knowPrima d'andar soldato,That before he went for a soldierTuriddu aveva a LolaTuriddu had swornEterna fè giurato.Eternal faith to Lola.Tornò, la seppe sposa;On his return, he found her married,E con un nuovo amoreAnd sought with a new loveVolle spegner la fiammaTo quell the flameChe gli bruciava il core:Which burned in his heart:M'amò, l'amai.He loved me, I loved him.Quell'invidia d'ogni delizia mia,But she, envious of my only delightDel suo sposo dimentica,And forgetful of her husband,Arse di gelosia…Burned with jealousy …Me l'ha rapito…She stole him from me …Priva dell'onor mio rimango:And I am left disgraced:Lola e Turiddu s'amano,Lola and Turiddu are lovers,Io piango, io piango!And I am left to weep.ERICH WOLFGANG KORNGOLD: “Mein Sehnen, Mein Wähnen" from Die Tote StadtText by Erich Wolfgang Korngold, Julius Korngold, and Paul SchottMein Sehnen, mein Wähnen,My yearning, my obsession,es träumt sich zurück.they take me back in dreams.Im Tanze gewann ich,In the dance I once obtained it,verlor ich mein Glück.Now I've lost my happiness.Im Tanze am Rhein,While dancing on the Rheinbei Mondenschein,in the moonlight,gestand mir's aus Blauaugshe confessed to me with a lovingein inniger Blick,look in her blue eyes,gestand mir's ihr bittend Wort:Confessed to me with her pleading words:o bleib, o geh mit nicht fort,O stay, don't go far away,bewahre der Heimatpreserve the memory of your homeland'sstill blühendes Glück,peaceful, flourishing happiness.mein Sehnen, mein Wähnen,My yearning, my obsession,es träumt sich zurück.they take me back in dreams.Zauber der FerneThe magic of things far awaywarf in die Seele den Brand.brings the burning of my soulZauber des TanzesThe magic of the dance lured me,lockte, ward Komödiant.and I was then Pierrot.Folgt ihr, der Wundersüssen,I followed her, my wonderful sweetheart,lernt unter Tränen küssen.and learned from kissed tears.Rausch und Not, und Wahn und Glück,Intoxication and misery, Illusion and happiness:ach, das ist des Gauklers Geschick.Ah, this is a clown's destiny.GAETANO DONIZETTI: “Quel guardo il cavaliere” from Don PasqualeText by Gaetano Donizetti and Giovanni Ruffini"Quel guardo,"That look,il cavaliere in mezzo al cor trafisse,pierced the knight in the middle of the heart,Piegò i lginocchio e disse:He folded his body, bent at his knees and saidSon vostro cavalier.I am your knight.E tanto era in quel guardoAnd so it was in that lookSapor di paradiso,a taste of paradise,Che il cavalier Riccardo,That the knight Richard,Tutto d'amor conquiso,Conquered by love,Giurò che ad altra mai,Swore that never to anotherNon volgeria il pensier."Woman would he ever think about."Ah, ah!Ah, ah!So anch'io la virtu magicaI, too, know the magical powerD'un guardo a tempo e loco,of a look at the right time and place,So anch'io come si brucianoI know how the heart burnsI cori a lento foco,in slow fires,D'un breve sorrisettoof a brief smileConosco anch'io l'effetto,I know the effect,Di menzognera lagrima,Of lying tears,D'un subito languor,On a sudden languor,Conosco i mille modiI know a thousand waysDell'amorose frodi,love can fraud,I vezzi e l'arti faciliThe charms and arts are easyPer adescare un cor.To fool the heart.Ho testa bizzarra,I have a bizarre mindson pronta vivace,I possess a ready wit,Brillare mi piace scherzar:I like joking:Se monto in furoreIf I get furiousDi rado sto al segno,I'm rarely able to remain calm,Ma in riso lo sdegno fo presto a cangiar,But my disdain can soon turn to laughter,Ho testa bizzarra,I have a bizarre mindMa core eccellente, ah!But an excellent heart, ah!PYOTR ILYICH TCHAIKOVSKY: “Da, chas nastal” from Maid of OrleansText by Pyotr Ilyich TchaikovskyDa, chas nastа́lYes, 'tis time!Dolzhna povinovat'sya nebesnomu velen'yu IoannaYoanna must obey the divine willNo otchego zakralsya v dushu strakh?But why is fear creeping into my soul?Muchitel'no i bol'no noyet serdtse!My heart is aching so painfully!Prostite vy, kholmy, polya rodnyye;Forgive me, hills, beloved fields;Priyutno mirnyy, yasnyy dol, prosti!Welcoming, peaceful, bright valley, forgive me!S Ioannoy vam uzh bol'she ne vidat'sya,Yoanna will not be seeing you again,Na vek ona, na vek vam govorit – prosti!Forever she says her farewell!Druz'ya luga, dreva, moi pitomtsy,My friendly fields, my trees, my loved ones,Akh, vam bez menya i tsvest' i ottsvetat'!Without me you will be blossoming and fading!Prokhladny grot, potok moy bystrotechnyy,Oh my cool caves, my speedy currents,Idu ot vac i ne pridu k vam vechno!I am leaving you and will never be back again!Mesta, gde vse byvalo mne usladoy,These places where everything was healing,Otnyne ty so mnoy razlichnye;You will be parted with me forever more;Moi stada, ne budu vam ogrody,My flocks, I won’t guard you anymore,Bez pastyrya brodit' vy suzhdeny.You will be lost without a faithful pastor.Dostalos' mne pasti inoye stadoI was destined to lead a different crowdNa pazhityakh ubiystvennoy voyny.Along the fields of a murderous war.Tak vyshneye naznachilo izbrannye,That is what divine will had chosen,Menya vlechet ne suyet kh zhelaniye!And I am not driven by futile desires!O bozhe, tebe moye otkryto serdtse!Oh God, my heart is opening to you!Ono toskuyet, ono stradayet,It’s sorrowful and suffering!GAETANO DONIZETTI: “Una furtiva lagrima” from L’elisir d’amoreText by Felice RomaniUna furtiva lagrimaA single secret tearnegli occhi suoi spuntò:from her eye did spring:Quelle festose giovanias if she envied all the youthsinvidiar sembrò.that laughingly passed her by.Che più cercando io vo?What more searching need I do?Che più cercando io vo?What more searching need I do?M'ama! Sì, m'ama, lo vedo. Lo vedo.She loves me! Yes, she loves me, I see it. I see it.Un solo instante i palpitiFor just an instant the beatingdel suo bel cor sentir!of her beautiful heart I could feel!I miei sospir, confondereAs if my sighs were hers,per poco a' suoi sospir!and her sighs were mine!I palpiti, i palpiti sentir,The beating, the beating of her heart I could feel,confondere i miei coi suoi sospir…to merge my sighs with hers...Cielo! Si può morir!Heavens! Yes, I could die!Di più non chiedo, non chiedo.I could ask for nothing more, nothing more.Ah, cielo! Si può! Si, può morir!Oh, heavens! Yes, I could, I could die!Di più non chiedo, non chiedo.I could ask for nothing more, nothing more.Si può morire! Si può morir d'amor.Yes, I could die! Yes, I could die of love. About the Artists
Christine Goerke, soprano, has appeared in the major opera houses of the world, including the Metropolitan Opera, Lyric Opera of Chicago, San Francisco Opera, Santa Fe Opera, Washington National Opera, Houston Grand Opera, Seattle Opera, Opera Company of Philadelphia, Pittsburgh Opera, New York City Opera, Glimmerglass Opera, Royal Opera House Covent Garden, Paris Opera, Théâtre du Châtelet, Théâtre du Capitole in Toulouse, Deutsche Oper Berlin, La Scala, Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Teatro Real in Madrid, Teatro Municipal de Santiago, and the Saito Kinen Festival Matsumoto.She has sung much of the great soprano repertoire, starting with Mozart and Handel heroines and now earning critical acclaim for dramatic Strauss and Wagner roles. She has received praise for her portrayals of the title roles in Elektra, Turandot, and Ariadne auf Naxos; Brünnhilde in the Ring Cycle; Kundry in Parsifal; Ortrud in Lohengrin; Leonora in Fidelio; Eboli in Don Carlos; The Dyer's Wife in Die Frau ohne Schatten; Cassandre in Les Troyens; Ellen Orford in Peter Grimes; Female Chorus in The Rape of Lucretia; Alice in Falstaff; Madame Lidoine in Dialogues des Carmélites, and more.This season, Goerke returns to the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic, and Washington National Opera; and also performs with Hamburg State Opera, New World Symphony, and Minnesota Orchestra. She recently joined Boston Lyric Opera’s Board of Directors, having previously served as associate artistic director at the Detroit Opera. Concert Services Staff
Assistant Director, Concert Services – Luis Herrera
Coordinator, Concert Services – Matthew Carey
Concert Production Manager – Kendall Floyd
Performance Technology Technicians – Sara Pagiaro, Goran Daskalov
Performance Technology Specialist – Andrei Radu
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