Student Spotlight: Julia Kornick

Voice student Julia Kornick (B.M. '19, voice) began taking film and video-game scoring courses at Berklee College of Music, and—11 courses later—has set her sights on a career in video-game scoring.

Voice student Julia Kornick (B.M. '19, voice) began taking film and video-game scoring courses at Berklee College of Music, and—11 courses later—has set her sights on a career in video-game scoring.

I took a film scoring class at Berklee College of Music my sophomore year and discovered a passion. In order to fully commit to this, I had to take music production, orchestration, and conducting classes at the College, and I studied film and video-game scoring abroad at Berklee’s summer program in Valencia, Spain. My conducting path led me from the Conducting for Film and Television course to auditioning successfully for the Conducting for Live Orchestra course. I'm currently taking the 400-level video-game scoring and implementation class, in which we have two recording sessions for our projects as well as collaborative game projects with University of Southern California students, and I am pursuing career opportunities in the field.

I also went on the Berklee Institute for Creative Entrepreneurship (BerkleeICE) Silicon Valley trip to explore music careers in the tech industry, visiting Facebook, Apple, PlayStation, and YouTube, among others. There, I was able to hone my networking and entrepreneurial skills, as well as envision the future of the classical world, considering where there might be chances for innovation. In all, I will graduate having taken 11 classes at the College. At first, I felt like I had to present a different version of myself when across the street at 150 Mass Ave, but now my education at both schools has become so intertwined and symbiotic that I can simultaneously be an opera singer and video-game scorer without living abdouble life.