Vocal Academy Registration Form

Please complete the form below to register for Vocal Academy at Boston Conservatory. You will receive confirmation of your submission and a Conservatory staff or faculty member will be in touch with more information.

Vocal Academy is a preparatory training program for high school students, college students, and avocational singers of any age who wish to study classical or musical theater singing at an advanced level in a conservatory setting. Students will develop their voices, language, diction, and general music skills, in addition to learning appropriate audition repertoire.

Kayla Gautereaux, program director

Mailing Address
Vocal Academy Attendance Policy
  • Private lesson schedules are privately and mutually agreed upon by the participant and teacher. In order for the experience to be most beneficial, it is suggested that lessons be evenly scheduled over the semester. Please be advised that teacher workload varies, therefore participants should not plan on more than two lesson hours per week.
  • Participants are expected to attend lessons as scheduled and on time.
  • A minimum of 24 hours’ notice is expected for any missed lesson. Every reasonable attempt will be made to find an alternative meeting time when absence is communicated in advance.
  • In the case of absences without advance notice, teachers will be required to wait for participants for 10 minutes before the lesson is considered forfeited—no refunds or rescheduling will be offered. In the case of extenuating circumstances (e.g. medical emergency, death in the family, personal emergency) causing an absence without advanced notice, documentation such as a doctor’s note may be required.
  • Lessons canceled due to inclement weather or teacher absence will be rescheduled or reimbursed.
  • The masterclass will be scheduled at a time that is mutually convenient for all, to the best of our ability. It is expected that participants will attend such provided events. In the case of inclement weather, all efforts will be made to reschedule.
  • All program activities must be completed within the semester of the program. No carryover or reimbursement will be offered. 
  • Final decisions regarding reimbursement and/or rescheduling of any lesson or class are at the sole discretion of the program administrator and director.
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