Senior Capstone: Ineffable

We dissect, we push, we pull, we find colossal joy in nothing, and microscopic tragedy in everything, all behind our eyes every single day. How can it be put into words? How could it be spoken? Be shared? Ineffable is an experiment of making the universal and mundane epics of adolescents into a tangible catharsis of collaboration, color, breath, and movement, extracting the unspeakable and unspoken highs and lows of coming into a splintered existence—a collective confession of divine naïvete.
This event is open to Berklee students, faculty, and staff with a valid Berklee ID, and invited guests only.
Program Information
Boston Conservatory thanks audience members for viewing this program information online. This paperless program saved 110 sheets of paper, 12 gallons of water, and 10 pounds of CO2-equivalent greenhouse gas emissions.