
Magic spells, mistaken identities, romantic obsessions, missing loved ones, and illusions shattered by truth comprise the landscape of the enchanted island belonging to the sister sorceresses, Alcina and Morgana. Written in 1735, this delightful gem lay in relative obscurity for more than 150 years, until a major revival starring Joan Sutherland—conducted by her husband Richard Bonynge, and directed by Franco Zeffirelli—sparked a Handel revival in the 1960s. Since then, numerous productions of Alcina have been presented with diverse artists singing the title role, including Arleen Augér, Renée Fleming, and Joyce DiDonato. The score contains the famous arias “Verdi prati,” “Tornami a vagheggiar,” and “Ah! mio cor,” among many others. Sung in Italian with English supertitles. Music by George Frideric Handel. Libretto by Riccardo Broschi.