HyoJin Chapin

Senior Student Success Advisor

At Berklee, HyoJin Chapin (she/her) brings perspectives both from the Registrar’s Office and One Stop Student Services for effective and efficient student advising in order for students to maximize their academic and career experience to the fullest extent.

Chapin holds master's degrees in TESL/applied linguistics from Iowa State University, and a B.A. in English language and literature from Yeungnam University in South Korea. Chapin brings 10 years of diverse education and career experiences, working with students from K-12 through adults in both South Korea and the United States. She was formerly a lead faculty at Approach International Student Center, where she acted as an advisor, manager, and faculty working with students’ academic records and progress throughout each academic term. Back in Korea, Chapin oversaw and established new infrastructure at an EIE Korea University International English Institute. 

On a personal level, Chapin loves all kinds of sports, especially figure skating, dodge ball, yard games, and rock climbing. She also enjoys being challenged to a round of DDR (Dance Dance Revolution). Her favorite experience at Berklee was performing in the orchestra as a violin player from her string lab class. She hopes to perform in many more.


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Your Success Network

Your student success advisor partners with your success network, a team of specialty advisors, to help you achieve your goals. Your success network includes the following speciality advisors:

  • Career Advisor: How to seek and prepare for jobs, internships, and other opportunities
  • International Student Services Advisor: How to comply with visa requirements, vacation semesters, OPT, and more
  • Case Manager: How to navigate health care, get resources for basic needs, find an off-campus provider, and get guidance about the Student Health Insurance Plan
  • Access Advisor: How to request disability-related accommodations for dining, housing and classes, and more

Meet with a Specialty Advisor